We get down to the nitty gritty of restaurant finances and how to improve the money you take home. We will dive into Restaurant COGS (Cost of Goods Sold), Prime Costs (COGS & Payroll), and even more technical stuff such costing out plates and the margin you need within each plate. Make sure to subscribe to get updates for any upcoming topics.
Below is more about who we are, but if you would like to get in contact please feel free to contact us using the contact page or emailing info@execfinancials.com.
We save restaurant owners hundreds of hours!
Growing restaurants thrive under processes which is hard to do in the industry because you have to be very flexible. This is where we introduce systems to help streamline processes and then we literally take care of the rest. Stop having your team or you entering invoices manually. Stop making decisions with no real data behind them. Know why your restaurant did well last month, but not well this month!
We are the nerds. We are Restaurant Accountants.
That is right! We are nerds and we are great at restaurant accounting. Enjoy the blog and discover new tips and tricks. If at any point you want to hire us we are here. Until then hopefully this blog helps you run a more financially stable restaurant.